SAT Examinations Procedures
- American High School students sit for SAT tests starting from Grade 10 till the end of Grade 12.
- Each student must have an online College Board SAT account with a private username and password.
- Through this online account, students can register for SAT tests, get scores and download the SAT test calendar of each school year.
- Grade 10 students must hand in a colored hard copy of their passports and a 4 X 4 photo to the school SAT & Examination department by the end of November.
- By the end of December, each student receives an email of his / her username and password regarding the online College Board account.
- Students and parents are always informed by the registration deadline for each SAT test.
- Parents must keep an online bank credit card ready in order to submit the payment of SAT tests fees.
- Students who may miss the registration deadline can register for an SAT test as a wait list status with extra fees.
- SAT test scores are often released on the student’s online account after almost two weeks of the test day.
- By the end of grade 12, students can order their SAT scores online through their online College Board accounts.
- The score order may take up to 4 weeks to be ready for collection from AMIDEAST Cairo in Egypt.
- By having the SAT score report stamped from AMIDEAST, the student can be ready to apply for any university.